Monday, August 4, 2008

Little Anthony Scott

Tomorrow Anthony is 6 weeks old! Wow it is going by fast and yet so slow. The hardest part is not sleeping. I cannot even imagine how mothers of two children can manage through the day when not sleeping at night, kudos to them! Here are some pictures of the hospital stay and Anthony's progress. He has started smiling in response to stimuli, that melts my heart! And Justin can get him to laugh too! He is becoming so aware of his surroundings. It is so hard not to eat chocolate though because he gets a sour stomach, and no spicy foods either. I am really enjoying Anthony's good nature.


Emily said...

Julia, I was so excited to get on your blog and see your cute little one! I am so excited for you guys. I miss you and can't wait for you to come back...and I can't wait to see your little one in person. Congratulations!!

Dennis & Tara Larson said...

It's about time! I have been waiting for pics (patiently of course!) Anthony is adorable!

Mary said...

Hey you guys. Was fun to read your posts. Congrats on the cute little guy. Justin...all I can say is paybacks!!!! will be an awesome mom!!!Would love to see you guys.

sam and kyrsten said...

hey we hope the end of summer turns out good for you! kyle told me you had a blog... :) good luck with school and everything

Katie Jean said...

Welcome back! your little man is such a qt! love the pics!